Art, Literacy, Ospreys

Tom Percival at Stroud Book Festival

Ospreys Class visited Stroud Subscription Rooms to listen to a reading from the wonderful local author Tom Percival about his new book Finn’s Little Fib. Tom is such an engaging speaker and soon had all the children getting creative and enthusiastic about exploring character ideas. The children LOVED this event and we can’t wait to get back to school to start our new writing unit…..just the inspiration we needed!

Art, Home Learning

World record attempt

Hi Ospreys:) As many of you love Art for Kids hub, I thought I’d introduce you to another site. Some of you may have visited this site before, it’s called Draw with Rob. Rob is trying to break a WORLD RECORD today, with as many people participating in an online art lesson. I know lots of the Sparrowhawks are joining in, so if you would like to too, here is the link- It runs from 4-.30pm today- enjoy!

Art, Science

Butterfly Art Installation at Rodborough Church

On Wednesday morning Ospreys walked to Rodborough Church to see the finished art installation featuring the butterflies, caterpillars, and eggs that the children made a couple of weeks ago, with local artists Susie Walker and Lorraine de Col. Susie and Lorraine have used models made by pupils in Gastrells and Rodborough Schools, to create a giant mobile, suspended from the church ceiling above a sculpture of a cowslip flower, The whole colourful installation is made from recycled materials, and is part of this year’s RodBorough Hidden Gardens Project. We were all really impressed with the giant installation, and Ospreys were excited to see where their own personal caterpillars and butterflies had been used. As you can see, the children’s work brought lots of Summer colour to the church. The whole installation will be moved to the Museum in the Park later in the Summer, to feature in the Festival of Nature.

Art, DT, Science

Butterfly Making Day

Today Ospreys were visited by local artists Lorraine De Col and Susie Walker, to make butterfly sculptures for an art installation which will feature in Rodborough Hidden Gardens Project. We started by each making a caterpillar from recycled materials, tying strips of fabric around a foam body to form a multi coloured caterpillar. After break we were split into three groups, each with a different task: painting leaves and making flower stamen, making chrysalis cocoons, and decorating caterpillar eggs. After lunch everyone worked together to create butterflies, using translucent coloured layers stuck into a butterfly template. Ospreys had fantastic fun making all the sculptures, and also took time to draw some great caterpillar pictures. We are looking forward to seeing all our finished sculptures put together as an installation, which will be on display at Rodborough Church and then later at the Museum in the Park for the Festival of Nature.

Art, DT


Ospreys have made and decorated letters to make a special banner for Mrs Merriman. The banner will let everybody know when Mrs Merriman’s door is open or when Mrs Merriman is in a meeting. The children used many different techniques to make such a fantastic banner. Ospreys presented the banner to Mrs Merriman on Thursday. 

Art, DT


Christmas is coming,the goose is getting fat,please put a penny in Ospreys hat.

Ospreys have started making some fantastic,colourful wreaths for Christmas. Look out for all the colourful creations outside Ospreys classroom as you walk through school. These brilliant Christmas wreaths are what Ospreys are making for the Christmas fair.