
Ospreys are learning skills for batting and fielding games this term, and today had a rounders match with Haresfield v Painswick and Selsley. Children learned the importance of communicating in a team when deciding whether to run to the next base, and catching and throwing skills were put to the test when fielding,

Art, DT, Science

Butterfly Making Day

Today Ospreys were visited by local artists Lorraine De Col and Susie Walker, to make butterfly sculptures for an art installation which will feature in Rodborough Hidden Gardens Project. We started by each making a caterpillar from recycled materials, tying strips of fabric around a foam body to form a multi coloured caterpillar. After break we were split into three groups, each with a different task: painting leaves and making flower stamen, making chrysalis cocoons, and decorating caterpillar eggs. After lunch everyone worked together to create butterflies, using translucent coloured layers stuck into a butterfly template. Ospreys had fantastic fun making all the sculptures, and also took time to draw some great caterpillar pictures. We are looking forward to seeing all our finished sculptures put together as an installation, which will be on display at Rodborough Church and then later at the Museum in the Park for the Festival of Nature.


Water Conservation with Severn Trent Water

On Thursday, Ospreys were visited by Maxine from Severn Trent Water. We learned about how all water is recycled, cleaned and reused. We looked at different ways in which household water can be needlessly wasted, and also considered ways in which water could be better conserved in the home, having fun measuring out wasted water as part of the activity. Ospreys learned how dirty water is cleaned at a sewage processing plant, before being returned to our homes.


Butterfly Observation Walk on Rodborough Common

On a beautiful sunny morning, Ospreys set off across the school field, up the steep walk to the Common, where we met the Butterfly Conservation Officer for Rodborough Common. Jen told us about the features of the Common that made it a special habitat for many species of butterfly, including the rare Duke of Burgundy and Adonis Blue. We learned that the Duke of Burgundy butterfly lays its eggs on the underside of the leaves of cowslip flower plants, and that the Adonis Blue prefers chalky limestone grassland habitats. Ospreys set off in small groups to look to see what species of butterfly they could spot, ticking off those that they saw and taking photos. Each group also made an audio recording of the sounds they could hear, which will be used as part of our art installation for the Rodborough Hidden Gardens Project. We walked across the Common to the fort, where we stopped for a break to play in the sunshine, before walking back down the hill to school in time for lunch.

What an interesting and fun morning!


Butterflies on Display

In our Art lesson this week, we studied images of different species of butterfly, looking closely at the intricate patterns and marking on their wings, before having a go at creating a careful pencil sketch. We looked at six different species, including the rare Adonis Blue and Duke of Burgundy, which are both to be found on Rodborough Common. We folded our drawing paper in half, to help to keep our butterfly sketches symmetrical. We coloured our sketches using paint and pencil colours, matching the colours of the butterfly species as closely as possible. Our finished pictures were then cut out, and given antennae made from modelling wire. These butterflies will go on to our display board in class, alongside printed PowerPoint slides with facts about butterflies, which Ospreys have been creating in Computing lessons. Come in and see our colourful butterfly display!


Maths Passport Spring Travellers

Well done to two more Ospreys who this week completed all their recall questions correctly within the four minute time limit, and are now ready to move up to a new set of targets and learning challenges. These two Ospreys have made impressive progress with Maths Passport targets, completing their homework practice sheets each week and working determinedly to improve the speed of their recall. Great work, both of you!


Visit to WWT Slimbridge

On Wednesday 8th May, Ospreys met at Slimbridge for a fantastic day. We found out about many different birds and their habitats, and had great fun feeding the birds that came to greet us as we walked around. We met Steph, from the education team, who told us about the important role played by wetland areas in the water cycle, as river water is filtered through estuary reed beds on its journey to the sea. We investigated different areas of water, testing the acidity, looking at the cloudiness, as well as studying the creatures to be found in our sample. We had our lunch in the sunshine by the riverland play area. After exploring other areas, such as the duck decoy and the flamingo houses, we met up at Wellyboot Land for some splashy play.